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WARNING: Vaping products contain nicotine, a highly addictive chemical. - Health Canada

🎉 New Location 511B 33rd St W, Saskatoon 🎉 Same day shipping in Saskatoon. Free after $50!
🎉 New Location 511B 33rd St W, Saskatoon 🎉 Same day shipping in Saskatoon. Free after $50!

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Cigarettes are the leading cause of preventable deaths in Canada, killing an estimated 48,000 people each year. Vaping is an important harm reduction tool that helps people quit smoking when nothing else has worked in the past.

1418 Central Ave, Saskatoon, SK

(306) 244-4401

2403 Preston Ave S, Saskatoon, SK

(306) 244-4402

511B 33rd St W, Saskatoon, SK

(306) 244-4403

Free Local Delivery

When you spend $50
